In order to help you to identify connections between physicians and different facilities, we have added a table of affiliations at the top of each Physician detail page. This table will include the top three facilities for the physician on the detail page. The affiliation calculation includes both facility claims that list the physician and professional claims for the physician where the setting is a facility - details below.
How we calculate affiliation
There are two places where we can identify a connection between a physician and a facility:
Method 1: For inpatient and outpatient claims, a link between a physician and a facility is made if the professional’s NPI (Attending, Operating, or Other) appears on a claim for the facility.
Method 2: For professional claims, services rendered in a hospital are identified based on the place of service code on the claim. The specific hospital is identified through a link to the patient by evaluating where the patient was hospitalized at the time. The beneficiary ID and date on professional claim (place of service=‘21’) are used to link to the inpatient claim. The same approach was used for outpatient claims (place of service=’22’, ’23’).
Counts from each method are combined to calculate the physician's percent affiliation at each facility.
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