The Analyze page for each home health agency has a section of provider information. This panel can be expanded to reveal more details and to facilitate editing the content. Click on the expand icon to expand the panel.
This will open the full provider information panel.
The provider information panel contains basic information about the selected agency; name, sub-specialty, NPI, phone number and address. Many of these entries can be edited. (see "Editing Provider Information" below)
Once the provider information panel is open, you have some tools available to you.
1. Favorite/Target - you can toggle the favorite or target setting for the selected provider on or off as needed.
2. Clicking the grey pencil will allow you to edit the provider information.
3. The Add Staff button allows you to add information about specific people connected to the selected facility.
Any changes or additions you make to the content of this section will be visible to all Trella Health users from your company.
Editing Provider Information
When you click on the pencil icon;you will be able to edit the fields in the selected facility's record.
All fields in grey boxes can be edited.
Some agencies are known by names other than the one that shows up from the NPI registry. To make these agencies easy for your team to find, you can choose an alternative name that is more familiar. When you search for agencies in any table, you can search for the alias to find the agency.
If you want to keep track of a group of agencies, as those in a network, you could assign a similar identifier to each agency and a search will be a filter that limits the table to your agencies named with your alias.
The internal notes are available to keep track of communications or instructions regarding the selected agency. Any notes that you enter into this field will be available to be read by any user in your company.
Clicking the smaller pencil icon in the provider information will allow you to assign the selected facility to anyone in your company.
Adding Staff
Every facility has the gatekeepers and decision makers who you will want to track, and introduce to the rest of your team. The Key Staff section of the provider information allows you to keep a list of contacts for the selected provider.
All fields in this dialog box can be edited. NPI Search - If the person you want to add has an NPI, you can add it in this field and the rest of the fields will populate from the database. Name, Title, Specialty, Address, Phone - Fill in as needed. Notes - These notes will only show up if you open up the added person's notes and edit them. Cancel will close the dialog box without saving any changes you have made. Save will save your changes (see image below.) |
Any people you add or notes you include will be available to everyone who uses Marketscape at your company.
Editing Existing Staff
Click on the pencil to the left of the name to see the notes for this staff person or to make changes.
Click on the "X" to remove this staff person from the list.
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